Exclusive offers for your loyal users. Get paid for the traffic.
No SDKs required.
Exclusive offers for your loyal users. Get paid for the traffic.
No SDKs required.
Exclusive offers for your loyal users. Get paid for the traffic.
No SDKs required.
Exclusive offers delivered to your users right when they've completed a task.
Get Started
Exclusive offers delivered to your users right when they've completed a task.
Get Started
Exclusive offers delivered to your users right when they've completed a task.
Get Started
Don't leave users hanging…
…after they use your app
Don't leave users hanging…
…after they use your app
Don't leave users hanging…
…after they use your app
Deliver exclusive
offers as rewards
Deliver exclusive
offers as rewards
Atar delivers offers at the moment when the user feels like they've earned them from using your app.
Atar delivers offers at the moment when the user feels like they've earned them from using your app.
Deliver exclusive
offers as rewards
Atar delivers offers at the moment when the user feels like they've earned them from using your app.
Native mobile feels like a part of your UX
Native mobile feels like a part of your UX
Personalized offers delivered at the right time via native mobile channels
Personalized offers delivered at the right time via native mobile channels
Native mobile feels like a part of your UX
Personalized offers delivered at the right time via native mobile channels
A commerce brand increased company profitability by 5%
A commerce brand increased company profitability by 5%
A commerce brand increased company profitability by 5%
By adding the offer wall to the user flow post purchase, the company was able to drive incremental revenue with no disruption.
By adding the offer wall to the user flow post purchase, the company was able to drive incremental revenue with no disruption.
No code required.
Deploy Atar through your messaging platform.
No code required.
Deploy Atar through your messaging platform.
and all others
© Atar Growth Inc. 2024